Diagnosis And Treatment Of Periodontal Disease

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Periodontal disease is an advanced form of gingivitis, also known as gum disease. It can be caused by improper dental hygiene and not visiting your family dentist on a regular basis for professional teeth cleanings and examinations. Fortunately, many cases of periodontal disease can be well-managed and even reversed with proper dental care. Here are some ways your family dentist can diagnose and treat your periodontal disease.

Diagnosing Periodontal Disease

During your oral examination, your family dentist will perform a probing examination with special pointy dental instruments. If your gums bleed very easily upon very minor probing with the instruments, then extensive gingivitis or periodontal disease may be suspected. The dentist will also check for gum recession and pockets, which develop when the gum tissue separates from your teeth. Gum pockets can trap food and bacteria, and become infected.

Over time, infected pockets can destroy the underlying bone and gum tissue. Other signs of periodontal disease your dentist may uncover during your examination include drainage oozing from underneath your gumline, tooth shifting, loose teeth, and a bad smell. Red and swollen gum tissue and an abnormal bite (malocclusion) may also be noticed by your dentist during your oral examination. Once a periodontal disease diagnosis has been confirmed, your family dentist will recommend an individualized treatment plan. 

Periodontal Disease Treatment

One of the most important things you can do to treat your periodontal disease is to adopt a regular routine of brushing and flossing. Brushing your teeth and flossing after meals and snacks will help heal your gums and it may help prevent the further progression of periodontal disease. In addition, seeing your family dentist for cleanings and checkups will also help prevent bone loss and destruction of gingival tissue.

Your dentist may also monitor the progression of your periodontal disease by taking panoramic x-rays of your jawbones to evaluate them for deformity or damage. A scaling and planing procedure is a dental office procedure that may also be recommended to help remove hardened calculus from under your gumline and to smooth the roots of your teeth. Smoothing your roots will help ensure that your gum tissue re-attaches itself to your teeth, eliminating the pockets. Your dentist may also prescribe an antimicrobial mouthwash to help treat your periodontal infection so that your gums can heal.

If you develop signs and symptoms of periodontal disease, make an appointment with your family dentist. When diagnosed and managed while still in its early stages, you may be less likely to develop bone destruction and extensive gingival infections.

Contact a clinic like Etobicoke Smiles Dental to learn more.
